Sunday, March 13, 2011

If I should die before I wake

Well, it seems that this madness is more than just a feeling.  Maybe I am not crazy.  Maybe I have been tortured and threatened by the very people that are supposed to serve and protect.  And with this assumption, I ponder to myself wheather it has brought them all a virtual pinata to beat vicariously.  I am the new punching bag for all the dirty cops and living dead fed agents.  They are trying to claim that I am a liar, but I confessed everything to the local police here about a year and a half ago.  In the time that precluded that day that I confessed everything to the police here, my life was on a pretty good track.  I was married with a dog and two cats and my wife and I were still close.  Today though, my life is ruined.  I am divorced, on several anti-psychotic medications and I really don't know where reality begins and where it ends.  If these threats on my life and the people I don't know (viewers of my virtual reality show) and friends of mine, if I can call them that, don't stop, I am sure that I will forever be stuck and beaten daily until they all see that they are the ones in the wrong.  I know that they have taken pictures of me in the most vulnerable of moments and distributed them to many people, namely those on the radio who are participating in this humiliating and virtual hazing.  I am being exploited every day now and all I want is to know wheather I am sane or insane.  I continue to take my medication everyday, but the feelings of being watched via satellite by some brazened bone heads in the intelligence community here in the U.S. does not subside.  So if this is the last post I make, at least you will know where my mind is, but I will have to wait and take pills on a daily basis that most likely doing nothing but hurting me.  So I say shame on the powers that be in this shadow boxing game and I wonder if they will ever have the brass to disclose exactly what they are (criminals) or just let me believe that I am insane for the rest of my life.
